DIY Wood Burning Stencil Coasters

DIY Wood Burning Stencil Coasters

DIY Coasters
Supply List

2. Wooden Coasters
3. Small Butane Torch


STEP 1: Clear the surface of sawdust and debris

STEP 2: Practice burning
Before you start burning a project it’s VERY IMPORTANT to practice. Read the instructions included with the butane torch to learn how to use the tool properly. Grab your stencil, a few pieces of flat scrap wood, and burn the surface with a butane torch. Once you’re able to easily control burning the surface and you feel comfortable handling the torch, you’re ready to burn your project piece.

STEP 3: Standard operation
How To Burn
1.  Start the torch with the flame pointed down at the wood so that the inner blue flame is about a 1/2” inch away from the surface, adjust based off the desired burning speed and final burn result. When held at the correct height, the wood will turn black in less than 1 second.
2. Move the torch in a steady, controlled manner. DO NOT fan the torch back and forth quickly (this puts out the flame)
3. Burn in a pattern from left to right or top to bottom to avoid over-burning the wood. Never linger on a single section for more than 2 seconds. In many scenarios, it is best to “outline” each section first, then fill in the section
4. Once the burning is complete, shut off the torch, and set it on a level, non-flammable surface
5. Slide the stencil away from the wood by using a screwdriver and pliers and place the hot stencil on a nonflammable surface such as concrete/brick
6. NEVER attempt to grab the stencil by hand for at least 30 minutes after burning is complete
STEP 4: Enjoy your finished project or gift it to someone!
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